Compost n.2 is the exploration of a landscape formed by a human symbiont, an imaginary representation of a creature characterized by a contamination between man and other natural / cultural creatures in which everything is composed and decomposed in a sympoietic tangle in continuous becoming.
A hybrid body / planet, infected and infiltrated by technologies in a continuous metamorphic process. But at the same time Compost n.2 is the search for a new sensitivity capable of hypothesizing a decentralized nervous system, like other creatures such as plants and fungi.
A hybrid body / planet, infected and infiltrated by technologies in a continuous metamorphic process. But at the same time Compost n.2 is the search for a new sensitivity capable of hypothesizing a decentralized nervous system, like other creatures such as plants and fungi.
The full version of the video is available on the video art platform VISUALCONTAINER.TV